Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quote of the Day: Peter De Vries

"Once in a while I drop into a church again to kneel at the altar for a word of prayer, though this is often a single supplicatory gasp as much accusation as anything else, such as 'Give us a break, will Ya!'"

I had a mildly amusing Sunday that I haven't had a chance to blog about yet.

In Sunday School, we were talking about how the biblical Jacob had to wait fourteen years to marry Leah and how that probably put him in his thirties when they got married when one of my students - a fifteen-year-old girl - said, "Wow. Thirties. That's a long time to wait to get married."

"Hey," I said, "that's how long I had to wait."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, it's all right. It was a long time."

We participated in National Open House Day by touring several open houses and by being thankful we have the realtor we do. We realized we knew the owners of one house after it was too late to avoid going inside and violating their privacy in the most heinous manner by seeing the dirty clothes in their laundry hamper. Their realtor tried to make us feel like idiots be telling us we'd never find what we were looking for in our price range. He even had the gall to say, "You'll find that most people end up buying something at the top of the range of what they're approved for." Gee, do you think that explains a few things about the economic conditions of this country? We decided not to buy that house.

We also decided not to buy the house where the neighbors played drunk badminton when they weren't too busy trying to run us over with their dune buggies. Apparently, some people think Shoreline is located in Hazard County.

1 comment:

  1. I was asking my friend Joyce Millet (Roger Pugh's Mom)a real estate question since she is/was a Realtor. She said to be careful of just what you mentioned. She said some people, when they know your price range, will intentionally show you houses in that price range that they know you will not like so that you will feel compelled to bump up to the next level (which of course increases their take as well). So stick to your budget and be wise.
