"Everything great in the world comes from neurotics. They alone have founded our religions and composed our masterpieces."
I'll let the quote stand by itself other than to say that many traits that are strengths in one aspect of life can be weakness in others. For instance, what is the difference between being dedicated and stubborn? How about focused and obsessed? It's all a matter of perspective.
It's really raining here today in Seattle. It's the type of deluge that makes one want to repent rather quickly.
Yesterday, while doing my duty as a married member of the Mormon church by shopping at Costco, I saw a guy who appeared to be confused as to what country he was in. He seemed to be under the assumption that the free-samples regime operated under some type of barter economy. He approached a woman who was just pulling a couple mini-pizzas out of a tiny oven.
He said, "Can I have a whole one?"
"No, I have to cut them up."
"I want a whole one."
"Hold on a second," he said as he walked back to his cart. "What if I trade you one of these?" He held up a brand new unopened Gogurt - the real stuff.
"I'm sorry. I can't."
"But it's a full one."
"There giving those away as a free sample in the next aisle anyway." The man said nothing in response to that as he gave up his quest and walked back to his cart dejected. I swore I saw revenge in his eyes.
Sometimes neurotics do great things and sometimes they just annoy the poor sample girl. I try to stay on the great things side of the line as much as a can but sometimes I fear I annoy life's symbolic sample girls too much.
Back from the Dead
7 years ago
It is 12:25 am. Should be asleep but can hardly stand the thought of being unconscious to this world for a span of time. Your Saturday observation was delightful. In fact a genuine giggle gurgled from my belly.