Monday, March 8, 2010

Quote of the Day: Jonathan Swift

"No wise man ever wished to be younger."

One thing nobody tells you before you get married is how dramatically your social circle shrinks afterwards. I am not complaining because I expected something like that to naturally happen as it should but we are both surprised out how dramatic it's been. With a few notable exceptions, Stacey and I are each other's social circle so if we don't call somebody first nobody calls us at all. I swear we both used to have friends so we kept expecting to get invited to an Oscar party that we never did just like we kept expecting to get invited to a mythical Superbowl party that we never did.

I think a couple other things may be going on. I guess there is always the possibility that we are not as charming as we think, but based on past history, I think we can rule that out. (Basically, we're adorable.) Our single friends are either too busy trying to meet people or they think we are too busy doing "married people stuff" to want to hang out with them. I think we may be bad at making friends with married people for some reason. We don't quite fit in with our ward because we are older newlyweds and neither in school nor have kids so we don't have a lot in common with anyone anyway. There are a few married couples who have invited us to do things so now the ball is in our court. We do plan on doing some entertaining once we take care of the great plate shortage of 2010 so maybe that will help.

I swear this is not a desperate plea for friends, just a far from insightful commentary on a social phenomena. I'm sure something like this happens to all married people, but it think the married/single split is much pronounced in Mormon culture.

I know I went on record a few weeks ago as saying that one of the best things about being married no longer having to go to social events I don't want to and I still stand by that statement because this post is referring to exclusive little gatherings not large events with open invitations. Sue me for wanting to have my cake and eat it too.

I know some of our social solitude can be attributed by my occupational need to get to bed before 9PM on most weeknights.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you get tired of me not having any actual comments other than I like this. Oh well: I like this.
