Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quote of the Day: Socrates

"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers."

I daresay even old Socrates would have ended his Sunday School class early out of frustration like I did this week if he had my class. I don't what got into those kids but they were something else. They probably focused on what I was saying for a total of ten minutes all together. I have not been able to figure out why but I was able to pinpoint the exact moment when things went irrevocably wrong. It all started when a brother went beyond arguing with his sister about whether or not the window should be open by trying to will the act physically. It was swell.

My other favorite part was when one of the girls said, "So you're saying the Bible is a bunch of hyperbole?" when I cautioned them about taking the Bible too literally when she said she just couldn't believe that the Patriarchs lived as long as the Bible said they did because six hundred years was just too impossible.

I felt pretty incompetent about the whole thing so I just ended early when I realized there was no way I could stem the tide of inattention. I was gratified though to see them making puns instead of making fun of me for trying to show them that the Old Testament has a lot of puns in it if you speak Hebrew. Don't even get me started on Noah's name.

This week we will be talking about spiritual and secular knowledge. Wish me luck, because I really don't want my kids to say, "We learned the Bible's not true," when their parents ask them over Sunday dinner what they learned at Church.


  1. I'm impressed that one of your students knew the word "hyperbole."

  2. This may sound odd, but you may be trying to teach them too much. If they are like the 14 year olds I know, their grasp of gospel topics is shallow at best. You might consider buying the series titled "Old Testament Made Easier" by David J. Ridges. the author taught seminary for a long time and does a pretty good job of anticipating the questions they will ask. There are 3 books for the Old Testament so it is a fairly hefty investment at 25$ per book. I can loan you mine if you PROMISE to get them back to me.
