"The only menace is inertia."All right, let's see if I can remember how to do this.
After much insanity, it looks like life is getting back to normal. And by insanity, I mean traveling out town four weeks in a row (unusual for such a routine-loving person like myself), buying a house, and moving all my earthly possessions into it.
Before I fill you in on all that, I want to rant about a 5AM conference call I had this morning. Now, I start work at 6AM so 5 is not that early but due to bus schedules and other factors it does require me to rearrange my morning schedule quite a bit plus it is just unnatural to conduct business when it's still dark out. (This morning was not the best morning for any variations in my routine because I am still trying to set a new routine for the new house - ideally one that involves me not waking up my wife at 3:30 but no luck on that front so far.) We decided to schedule it that early because my main US contact said we had to do so his IT guy in India could join us. I only agreed because their company just bought another company thus making it very likely that they will need our product and he was so insistent about the time.
So I was already in a bad mood when I jumped on my conference line at 5AM because I was stressed out about riding a new bus (What if the other kids make fun of me?) and mad at myself for picking an ugly shirt because the lighting in the new house does not allow me to see the colors in my closet clearly without turning on a light. I really hate my green shirt. I used to think it was cool. Now, I just think it makes me look like an Easter Egg. So anyway, I started out in a bad mood and got an into in an even worse mood when the US contact who would actually use my product never showed up. Yeah, I have a pretty rough life. I'm almost like a pioneer.
I got into a mood as foul as the weather when I realized I was very familiar with with Indian IT guy I was left with. I used to call him a lot at my previous job. All he would ever say, "Is send documentation." I kid you not. It was like talking to a an Indian-accented brick wall. He wouldn't even say Hello or Goodbye. One time he emailed me and said he wanted to talk further and when I got him on the line he just repeated his request for more mythical documentation. It was so frustrating I just stopped calling the account. Well, guess what he said today? "Send documentation." I was ready to kill somebody. It's just unprofessional to set up a call and then blow it off. It's also plain rude.
On a fun note, my boss called me this morning from Vegas today and said, "I just got married. If you guys need anything this week, email me, or leave a voicemail. Cell phone reception is spotty in the hotel." I told him we would probably leave him alone for the week.
On another fun note, the woman I buy my roast turkey sandwiches from told me it was time for me to start having kids.