Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quote of the Day: Albert Camus

“I often wonder what future historians will say about us. One sentence will suffice to describe modern man: he fornicated and he read newspapers.”

If someone made a T-shirt with that quote on it, I would wear it everyday.

Well, I solved two mysteries today. I learned why our IT-Department is always too busy to fix my computer in a timely manner and why the police were here interrogating people a few weeks ago. Apparently, someone in IT was spending a good portion of their day pointing a laser into the building across the street. Apparently, the authority look down on that type of behavior when you work across the street from the Federal building.

No, they never found out who it was but I have my suspicions. It could be the guy who walks around with a laser pointer attached to his belt all day.

1 comment:

  1. This did not get posted earlier apparently:

    Catching up again on the blog. This post is why I read it.
