Monday, March 1, 2010

Quote of the Day: Anthony Powell

"It is a great conviction of youth from which some people never recover that everyone is having a better time than they are."

Some days I hate sitting in a cubicle because my co-workers get on my nerves just like I assume and kind of hope I get on theirs. Some days though, they provide hours of amusement and today was one of those days.

One of my co-workers spent two hours on the phone with a pharmacy and one of his doctor's offices (notice I said "one of") trying to convince them that he was not, in fact, abusing prescription pain pills. He had an amazing convoluted story about why there were multiple prescription under his name. The whole thing was just too funny to do anything but listen. He even went so far as to tell this laughter within earshot. "I've never used pain pills inappropriately in my entire life."

A few hours later, I heard the same co-worker say, "Well, she shot him twice in the head so I don't think it was really self-defense like my __(Close Relative)____ told the jury."

Based on my research, I have determined that statement one is false and statement two is true.

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