Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Quote of the Day: George Bernard Shaw

A reporter once asked the playwright George Bernard Shaw, “If you could live your life over and be anybody you’ve known, or be any person from history, who would it be?” Shaw replied, “I would choose to be the man George Bernard Shaw could have been, but never was.”

A few weeks ago a friend of mine asked me if I knew any good quotes on regret so I sent him this one. At first, I was a little concerned and more than a little curious. I was worried about hearing this phrase on the news or in some kind of manifesto. Turns out he was just giving a church talk on repentance. Kind of a letdown or a relief depending on your point of view.

If I could live my life over as anyone else, I would choose to be the Collin who remembered to wear his coat this morning because by the time I got to work I was starring in my own wet T-shirt contest.

Some guy told me today that he was going to prosecute me if I sent him one more email. By the way, how often have I emailed this guy? One a month for three months. I think it's safe to say he will not be engaging the services of my company any time soon.

1 comment:

  1. Looking back, I kind of regret not using them. If I ever AM writing a manifesto (and really it's inevitable), I know precisely to whom I'll turn.
