Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Quote of the Day: H. L. Mencken

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." I engaged in several political discussions this weekend that reminded me of this quote.

Have you ever ended a relationship with someone because, maybe, they asked you to do something outrageous like spend a lot of money on them that you didn't have; but then you get back together and it's so great that you wonder why you ever broke up with them over something so trivial in the first place? That's pretty much how I feel about my Dockers. I've been buying the cheap stuff for the past six months because I was going through clothes so fast. Losing 120LBS tends to do that to you. This weekend I finally broke down and bought new Dockers and, let me tell you, they are wonderful. I don't even care any more that no one's ever stopped me on the street to tell me I had "nice pants."

I had an eventful weekend in addition to my exciting Docker news. I tried roller-skating for the first time in twenty years and learned that there is a minimum speed limit at the rink. I also went to Snoqulamie Falls yesterday and experienced the new sensual pleasure this morning of taking a shower with a severely sunburned scalp. As you may be able to deduce by fact that my weekend activities involved something other than reading and writing in my basement, I now have a girlfriend. So if you wonder why I've been measuring so far to the right on the happiness bell curve lately, that's why. Although, I can't lie, the new Dockers may have something to do with it too. (Just to set the record straight, I like my girlfriend slightly more than I like my new Dockers.)

I have decided to undertake a massive life project. I am going to digitize all my music which is a big life-changing decision for a CD snob like me. It's going to take some time which is why I plan on dedicating my life to this project.

1 comment:

  1. Well congrats on the relationship! Based on all the info from your sisters, she's one lucky girl. Rollerskating...that is an adventurous date!
