"The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning. If you knew when you began a book what you would say at the end, do you think that you would have the courage to write it? What is true of writing and for a love relationship is true also for life. The game is worthwhile insofar as we don't know what will be the end."
I hate Foucault but love the quote. One time I ran into one of my English professors on the bus and told her my feelings on the man. She never looked at me the same. You would have thought I'd stepped on her cat.
So I had my first physical in three years this week. It was interesting to say the least. The doctor's office was located behind a dive-bar which concerned me at first but then I accepted it after going though all the stages of grief. The doctor was a grizzled old retired Air Force doctor who liked me because we were both of Scandinavian descent even if I did "spend too much time on that blankety-blank computer" for his taste. The bottom line is I need to incorporate a more vigorous exercise routine into my life.
Man, that guy said some funny stuff. I am going to quote directly so blame him for the language not me because he talked just like you'd expect a career military man to.
"We both like to eat because that's what Scandinavians do. That's why we're both fat."
"You ever hear the one about the Swede who bought his wife a toupee because he heard she was getting balled at work."
"I can't believe you've lost 145 pounds. Do you know how much weight that is? If I told you to carry around a hundred pound bag for a week, you'd probably tell me to go ____ myself."
"Stop playing on that damn computer so much."
And my personal favorite, "So how's your pecker working?"
I can't wait to go back next week to get my test results because he is now my favorite doctor ever and not just because I can get some good stories out of him but mostly because he told me to eat pickled herring for health reasons. Now now I can say "Doctor's Orders" whenever people complain about me eating that smelly delightful treat.
Back from the Dead
7 years ago