Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Quote of the Day: Francois de la Rochefoucauld

"Why can we remember the tiniest detail that has happened to us, and not remember how many times we have told it to the same person?” This quote is my way of apologizing for telling you the same stories over and over again because I am sure I have done that more than once.

Here's one I haven't told you though:

There's something strange in my neighborhood. Specifically, someone is stealing my water which wouldn't be strange if we were living in the Saraha. I remember my foreign affairs professor predicting that the next major war would be over water and it looks like he was right. I just didn't think I would be involved in it. I guess Trotsky was right when he said, "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."

Before I give you play-by-play, I should give you a little background. My roommates and I pay to have bottled water delivered to our house once a month. (Yeah, it's a little pricey but it never comes out oddly-colored and foul-tasting like Seattle water has a tendency to do.) So once a month the delivery guy picks up our empty bottles and drops off an equal number of new bottles. This system must have been designed by a genius because in five years we never ran out of water.

Of course, that all changed last weekend. The empty bottles have all disappeared with no replacements in sight so now we have to drink tap water like common savages. I don't want anyoen to get too excited but loin-clothes are probably the next step in our devolution. So I called the water company and told them that they had better give me my water because I am not going to live like an animal. Okay, I actually asked them very politely what happened. They said nothing because they dropped off their customary one bottle two weeks ago. Apparently, the driver has been putting down on his order forms that we only use one bottle a month when it's really more like ten or twelve which is what they bill us for too. I'm not sure exactly what is going on, and I hate to jump conclusions, but I think it's safe to say that I am now the target of an international conspiracy the likes of which has never been seen on the earth.

They said they would drop off ten new ones today so we'll see if that will be the end of this senseless conflict. I sure hope so because I am tired of being oppressed this week because of my water consumption habits.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the missing water is being used in a rain ritual to break the new record over there for days without rain.
    Also, I am not really anonymous. I just don't have a google account. As you know there are millions of people following your blog that just have not made themselves known.
    ~Sylvia H.
