"A man should swallow a toad every morning to be sure of not meeting with anything more revolting in the day ahead.” That may seem like sound logic but I'm pretty sure you can get high from licking toads sometimes which defeats the whole purpose of said toad-licking. I found that quote in a fun little article. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8c222362-35b1-11de-a997-00144feabdc0.html Man, Alan de Botton is everywhere this week.
This post will be pretty scattered because I have no grand narrative theme to tie everything together.
Speaking of narratives, I've been watching a lot of the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" and I finally figured out why I like it so much. Not only is it funny and smart, but it's use of the Unreliable Narrator and non-linear story lines is quite superb. I hate to use the word ground-breaking but I am almost tempted; and, perhaps I even would if I was feeling a little friskier.
Isn't the Internet a strange place? Sometimes, it creates a community with all of the obligation of a real community and none of the actual benefits like human contact. (Maybe I do spend too much time on it.) Anyway, I read the book Harry Revised solely because it's author, Mark Savras, runs one of my favorite weblogs*. http://marksarvas.blogs.com/ I just felt like I should to support him even though he will probably never thank me properly because we'll probably never meet. By the way, the book was all right but not great. I'm glad I read it though because it gave me hope about getting my own work published some day.
Am I the only one who feels ashamed by some of Pandora's music choices? Sometimes I can't help feeling disgusted with myself when I realize that somewhere an algorithm is calculating that I will like a crappy band because of my previous choices. When that happens, all I can do is raise my voice to the sky and ask where my life went wrong.
Here's a fun blog I found today that combines my two loves, books and sugar. Enjoy. http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2009/05/sunday-sweets-reading-rocks.html
*I find it ironic that Blogger's spellchecker does not recognize the plural form of the word weblog.
Back from the Dead
7 years ago
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